A New Year

Welcome 2011. I always find it refreshing to have a clear, defined sense of beginning. Sometimes it comes slow, but when the ball drops and the kiss is had on New Year's night-it is a line drawn in the sand- dividing of the old and the new.
Spring is in the air-even though it is a cruel little trick in upstate New York. Spring really won't come for another few months, but all of the snow has melted from the past storm, and the birds are chirping, the squirrels are chasing each other up the hill and my boys are ready to ride their bikes.
This little false spring is getting me excited for the real one, as I know by then I will be almost 2/3rds through my third pregnancy. Yes, we're expecting our third child. It is an exciting and wonderous time, and sweet because the boys are so aware of what is to come.
As for me being a Type 1 Diabetic, I am excited and aware of the other things that could happen. It was a strange start to the pregnancy in that as soon as I told my endocrinologist at the Joslin Center in Syracuse, they let me know that they would not be seeing me anymore, and would be referring me to the perinatal office in Syracuse. The perinatal center then said I need not go there as I had an OB already. My OB's office took on the responsibility of my diabetic care. This all in the first 10 weeks of my pregnancy and no one tested my A1C, no one asked for my BG readings, no one told me who I could call should I be concerned or worried about highs and lows-all of which I was experienceing.
I felt as though I was sent on a tiny raft in the middle of the ocean and told "Good Luck!" It was, needless to say, a bit scary.
I called my OB and asked for a second referral to the perinatal center and finally recieved a consultation there last week. I was begging for someone to take a little extra care. After meeting with one of the doctors, and hearing his surprise that no one had truly took any care or concern of my Diabetes, I decided that I will now be seen for the pregnancy only at the Perinatal Center-which I do feel good about. For my other two pregnancies I was in Binghamton and had a wonderful OB AND endo who worked together seemlessly. I had no idea how truly nice that was.
I have a letter floating around in my head for the Joslin Center, I don't intend on going back there for my own care after being pregnant-how can a doctor be a good one if they will refuse to see their patient at a critical time in their life?
We saw the movie True Grit yesterday and it made me pine for times of simple, clear cut, right and wrong, answers in this complicated world. It was such a great movie with an amazing heroine-that you don't see everyday. I'm inspired to read the novel it was based on. And if this baby is a girl-I know what she will watch when looking for a role model. The boys will enjoy it too. I am now a fan of all Western movies-but that's another post.
As for the pregnancy all is well and I feel really good-just tired at the end of the day. Looking forward to feeling things grow and continuing to eat and be healthy. Here's to a warm winter's thaw, a fresh start to the new year and the growing of babies, fruits, vegetables, happy kids, and smarter people!


Laura said…
I keep checking in on your blog hoping for a new post... How is life? I'm assuming your third was born and you're in the crazy chaos of figuring out 3?

I just posted again after over a year. Not even sure how that happened!

Anyway, thought I'd check in again, hope all is well and hope to see a new post soon ;)
Kelly C said…
Yes! Things are good and hectic (typing w/1 hand). I have a new energy now and hopes to be more consistent with my writing. My pregnancyand delivery went really well-and we now have sweet baby girl to add to our brood! Lots of fun-thank you for checking in and giving me the boost I needed to get back into writing!Happy Holidays to you and yours-

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